There is (as of Joomla 3.9...) an annoying bug in Joomla core with the JHtml Helper function TruncString()

This bug was reported in j2.5 and still hasn't been fixed.
If the truncate point is between a tag pair, then string.truncate closes the hanging tag but puts the ellipsis after the tag closure. 


So following on from last week's post here are the steps I have taken to improve the appearance of the tags section for articles on the website.

For this particular site all of the article info - dates, categories, related links, tags, author, and field data - is placed in boxes at the bottom of the article. (see example here). The tags are organised in a hierarchy with the top level being equivalent to a category for the tags beneath it.

Tags for articles in Joomla are a very useful feature, but for me there are several limitations in the way they are currently implemented and displayed. In this sequence of posts I am going to discussing tagging and present my solutions to some of the issues I have found. While some issues can be improved with straightforward template over-rides of view and layout files, many require modification to either model or forms. 

Some more or less random notes from developing a component as an extension to the Phoca Download component which I use on a number of sites - most noticeably on the site where it is used to manage all of the downloadable files.

When I started using it on Green-History I fairly rapidly decided that I needed some major changes to the layout for listing files in a category. PhocaDownload (PD) does allow considerable flexibility built in but this is cumbersome to use, and I suspects pre-dates the availability of simple overrides built in to the Joomla template system.