Well I have been dealing with various bits of mechanical and electronic hardware and computer firmware and software for all my working life and since the end of paid employment is in sight maybe its time to finally dump some of what I have learned or discovered (or failed to learn) so that I don't have to remember it any more.

Jobs I have done include instrument engineering, electronic design construction and maintenance, firmware and software development in many different languages, system analysis and design both hardware systems and software, technical product marketing and product lifecycle management, documentation production both end-user and technical, website design implementation and management, mobile application development on various platforms from Psion3 and Palm onwards, fixing and mending stuff, and some people management.

The intention here is both to document what I am currently doing as well as try and capture from memory things I have done in the past.

If you find any of this this useful send me a postcard showing something you love. You will find an address on theĀ contact page.

I don't promise to post regularly here, but since I'm still grappling with everyday engineering problems it might provide a place to have a wee rant or remind myself of something I was pleased with.

At the moment I haven't bothered to turn comments on - if you have a question you canĀ write me a letter which I will answer.


This is a sort of CV, but not one designed to appeal to a future employer as I have no intention of finding an employer in the future. Instead this is the top level of a more truthful reflection of the places I have learnt and worked.

Over time I will add more detail to the various elements of my life itinerary, but for starters this post provides an outline of the places and institutions involved.